1. Click "Routing"
2. Click "Time Schedule"
3. Let's setup a Monday to Friday Time Scheduler, during 9-5pm. Simply select M-F on the day selector, and then input the time. The time is formatted to 12 Hour time. You can simply input "9:00AM" and "5:00PM" on the other side.
Note, if you'd like to set it to 12AM (next day), input "11:59PM"
4. Now you can link up your call flow depending if this condition has been met or not. In this example, if the caller calls between Monday - Friday, 9AM to 5PM - it will go to "True" (Green Path), otherwise, it will go to "False" (Red Path)
5. You can make the time scheduler more dynamic with additional time conditions. Click "Add time conditions".
Note: You can add up to 5 time conditions.
6. Now you can add another time condition.
7. In this example, we'll add Saturday and Sunday time conditions, between 10AM and 9PM. Simply check the S-S days and input 10:00AM and 9:00PM into the time slots
8. You've now created a Time scheduler that will run "True" if Monday - Friday 9AM to 5pm or Saturday-Sunday from 10AM to 9PM.
If you have super complex time requirements, you can daisy chain multiple time conditions. The power is in your hands.